Sunday, February 28, 2016

Returned Home

Our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, teacher and friend to all returned home to her father-in-heaven on February 27, 2016 after her battle with multiple myeloma cancer.

Words and pictures in this blog can't begin to describe Chris. You would have had to know her. This blog is a feeble attempt show just a glimpse into her life.

They called her Teeny Button because of her button nose

She grew into a beautiful young lady

My eternal sweetheart

She never wanted to grow up

A sweet caring mother like no other

A preschool teacher for 22 years with a love of children

Mom and Morris visiting one morning in the mountains ... She loved ALL animals

My motorcycle buddy

The BEST grandma in the whole world!

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Chris would not be deterred by low blood counts and increased myeloma counts. She made it to Disneyland with all of her kids and grand kids. She planned for this over the past year and was not going to let anything get in her way.

 Also made it to the beach

And don't forget Universal Studios

She got home, got 2 units of blood, and now is ready for her next adventure!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Two Year Survivor and Looking to Many More Years to Come!

It was two years ago that we went to the hospital and we received the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. This past year has been a roller coaster ride. Here are some highlights:

Last September Chris was getting stronger after the bone marrow transplant and feeling good. However, by the end of October a pain developed in her back that radiated into her front and it became worse over time. She had a CT scan for kidney stones, x-rays for broken ribs, and finally in early December an MRI of her spine showed a lesion in one of her vertebra caused by the MM.

Radiation treatments were ordered and she had 15 'spot welding' sessions to attack the tumor. She ended her last session with a certificate of completion, some sparkling cider, and a ring of the bell. She finished just in time to head to Hawaii with the kids.

We flew to Hawaii the same day as we finished radiation and had a wonderful week of fun in the sun.

Chris developed a cough as the week went on and by Sunday, the day before we were to leave, it became much worse. By Monday morning it was a trip to
Maui Memorial Hospital's ER.

Her systolic blood pressure was down to about 60 with very low sodium levels in her blood showing dehydration. She was going into septic shock. They started immediately giving her fluids and placed a port into her in anticipation of giving her drugs to bring the blood pressure up. However, the fluids started working and brought her pressure back up. She was also diagnosed with influenza type A and was placed in quarantine. For a while it was touch and go but she is a FIGHTER!

By Thursday we were given the green light to return home. It was an answer to prayers.

Blood tests after returning home indicated that the MM had started to return and that additional RVD treatments were needed. Her body responded and her M-spike numbers dropped from 4.5 to 0.1.  She is now on a maintenance dose of a Revlimid pill once per day. Hurray for modern drugs.

We are living each day at a time and enjoying God's creations.

Trip to St. George

Early trip to the cabin
Trip to San Diego Zoo and Safari Park
At the Cabin with the Whole Family
A Trip on Her Mule up Farmington Canyon

More trips to the family cabin to enjoy God's wonderful creations!

And much, much more to come!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

One Year After Diagnosis

One Year After Diagnosis

It has been just over one year since the diagnosis of MM but what a difference that one year has made.

Chris could not even walk up our stairs at home without feeling winded. Now:

Adventuring up the narrows in Zions

Taking a stroll at Cascade Springs
Having fun at the cabin on her new swing

Hiking up to the Zion's overlook
How is her health? 

She went into UCS  for her periodic physical and blood work. She was given a good score card on her physical and her usual blood tests were in the normal ranges.

We called today and they told us that the M-spike is at point 5. This is just a tick higher than the last measurement but is still very good.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Great Blood Counts

Great Blood Counts!

Chris had a great visit with her oncologist. They took a blood sample and the results came back GREAT! Her red blood cells are well back in the normal range. 

Her next appointment will be in September when they will do Electophoresis and Immunofixation tests to measure her M-sike.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Journey Continues

The Journey Continues

We may not know what is around the corner but we know that we will have a great ride.

We got wonderful news from our visit with the BMT doctor this week. He assured us that the BMT was successful even though there is still a small M-Spike measurement. Studies show that those go through BMT have a longer time before recurrence of M-Spike advancement.

Ten years ago treatments to extend life were not available for Multiple Myeloma. Today, there are wonderful maintenance drugs that help keep it in check for longer periods of time. Also, there may be other developments in the future that will do even more.

The VRD treatment received greatly reduced the bad proteins from the time of first diagnosis and may play a role in maintenance going forward.

Below are the M-Spike measurements:

September 2013 - Diagnosis
VRD Treatment

January 2014 - Before BMT

June 2014 - 100 Days After BMT

We will be keeping a positive attitude throughout the journey.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

All Aboard!

All Aboard!

Chris enjoyed our trip to Durango Colorado to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.

The journey continues as we came home to go in for her 100 day follow up tests. We went in and she had pulmonary tests, full body x-rays, and blood work. We will find out results next week in consultation with the doctor. However, looking at some of them online is very encouraging. 

Here are some more pics of our wonderful vacation: